Report piracy by filling in the form

By reporting acts of piracy, like the illegal reproduction and use of protected seeds, or false use of trademarks or copyrights, you contribute to removing the obstacles which are hampering the full development of the breeding sector. Your help to eradicate seed piracy contributes to a level playing field for growers, the worldwide development of the economy and employment, and to combat organised crime.

Our promise of anonymity
The AIB appreciates your decision to report infringements. When you report infringements it is vital that you can count on our full confidentiality. We treat all information issued strictly confidential. If you wish, you can report infringement cases on an anonymous basis by using the red button [Report Piracy Now] on this website.

Anti-Infringement Bureau for Intellectual Property Rights on Plant Material (AIB IVZW)
Square de Meeûs 37
4th floor
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 791 89 50

Report Piracy Now